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Notice of Public Hearing
September 11, 2023 @ 6:00 pm
Notice of Public Hearing
Town of Lamartine
Fond du Lac County, WI
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing will be conducted by the Town of Lamartine Town Board on September 11, 2023 beginning at 6:00 PM at the Town of Lamartine Town Hall, located at N5269 Schaefer Drive, Oakfield, WI to consider action on an ordinance to adopt the Town of Lamartine Comprehensive Plan 2040. The purpose of the public hearing is to accept public comments on the Town of Lamartine Plan Commission’s recommended version of the plan herein called the “Recommended Plan”.
The public may review copies of the “Recommended Plan” on the Town of Lamartine Web Site at: www.townofLamartinewi.gov.. Interested parties may also obtain a copy of the plan by calling Jessica Randall, Clerk, at 920-906-3683 or by e-mailing [email protected]. A copy of the “Recommended Plan” is also available at the Town Hall, located at N5269 Schaefer Drive, Oakfield, WI
During the Public Hearing, the public is invited to speak on the “Recommended Plan”. Written comments may be submitted to the Town Clerk or through the town web site until conclusion of the Public Hearing and will become part or the record. The Public Hearing shall be closed when all interested parties in attendance have had an opportunity to offer comment. Upon the close of the Public Hearing, comments will be forwarded to the Town Board for consideration and possible action on adoption of the plan by ordinance.
A public hearing for a comprehensive plan must he published once, at least 30 days prior the public hearing date.